作者: Vernon Roderick, 最新更新: 2020年10月10日
当你经常遇到很烦人 铬冻结 or crashing.或崩溃。 This is especially true when you're in the middle of doing something important, but you can't anymore due to当您正在做一些重要的事情时,尤其如此,但是由于 铬冻结.
In cases such as this, you'll wonder if it would actually be better if you can switch to a different browser such as Firefox, Safari, or anything else besides Chrome.在这种情况下,您会怀疑是否可以切换到其他浏览器(例如Firefox,Safari或Chrome以外的其他浏览器)是否会更好呢? However, we suggest that you don't do that just yet, considering the perks of using Chrome.不过,考虑到使用Chrome的好处,建议您暂时不要这样做。 Instead, you should just look for ways on how to deal with the problem at hand.相反,您应该只寻找解决当前问题的方法。
幸运的是,本文将讨论如何解决并希望解决涉及的问题 铬冻结.
有很多方法可以修复 铬冻结。 But to save some time, it's always a great option to try out simple solutions first, which doesn't require knowledge of the software or the problem at hand.但是为了节省时间,总是尝试简单的解决方案始终是一个不错的选择,而无需了解软件或手头的问题。
话虽如此,以下是一些针对以下问题的快速修复方法: 铬冻结:
现在,如果没有 这些快速修复工作,那么您可能遇到了更严重的情况 铬冻结,在这种情况下,您需要寻找更高级的解决方案。 With that said, continue trying out the options that we'll discuss in this article.话虽如此,继续尝试我们将在本文中讨论的选项。
如何防止Chrome冻结? Although虽然 铬冻结 is a common issue with the browser, fortunately, they've managed to create a method for solving the problem.这是浏览器的常见问题,幸运的是,他们设法创建了一种解决问题的方法。 This was done when they added the built-in malware software of Google Chrome.当他们添加了Google Chrome浏览器的内置恶意软件时,便完成了此操作。 The malware scanner is a built-in feature in Chrome that allows for the scanning of viruses, malware, and malicious programs.恶意软件扫描程序是Chrome中的内置功能,可用于扫描病毒,恶意软件和恶意程序。
This will allow you to pinpoint the cause of the problem and hopefully fix it.这将使您查明问题的原因并有望解决。 Here's how you can use the malware scanner:这是使用恶意软件扫描器的方法:
This should start the malware scanning process.这将启动恶意软件扫描过程。 Once it is done, you'll be provided with the reports and recommendations on how to fix issues.完成后,将为您提供有关如何解决问题的报告和建议。
Chrome用户的另一个功能是扩展,但这次不是解决方案,而是罪魁祸首。 Extensions are, as the name suggests, tools that allow you to do tasks that are outside Chrome.扩展程序,顾名思义,是允许您执行Chrome外部任务的工具。 That's why installing extensions can be very beneficial, but sometimes it can lead to some downsides, such as causing various issues including the这就是安装扩展程序会非常有益的原因,但是有时它可能会带来一些不利影响,例如引起各种问题,包括 铬冻结 问题。
Hardware acceleration is also another feature of Google Chrome that allows the CPU to reduce its workload and hands it to the GPU.硬件加速也是Google Chrome浏览器的另一项功能,它可以使CPU减少工作量并将其交给GPU。 With this enabled, Chrome can run easier and more smoothly, but it can cause issues as well.启用此功能后,Chrome可以更轻松,更流畅地运行,但也会引起问题。
Just like extensions, apps can also lead to several issues if they aren't compatible.与扩展程序一样,如果应用程序不兼容,也可能导致多个问题。 Due to this, it's important to keep only a minimal number of apps on your computer.因此,在计算机上仅保留最少数量的应用程序很重要。 The least you can do is update the app to make it compatible or uninstall the app altogether.您至少要做的就是更新应用程序以使其兼容或完全卸载该应用程序。 So here are the steps you need to follow to update or remove your applications.因此,这是更新或删除应用程序所需遵循的步骤。
到目前为止,我们仅讨论了如何修复 铬冻结 假设问题出在Chrome的组件中,包括扩展程序,病毒,应用程序和功能。
However, what if the problem isn't caused by the components, but by the browser itself?但是,如果问题不是由组件引起的,而是由浏览器本身引起的,该怎么办? In that case, you'll have to use solutions that tackle the problem to its roots, and one of the most effective ways to do this is by closing Chrome properly.在这种情况下,您将必须使用能够从根本上解决问题的解决方案,而最有效的方法之一就是正确关闭Chrome。
You might think that you've already closed the app, but it still runs on the background.您可能以为您已经关闭了该应用程序,但它仍在后台运行。 So here are the steps to really close the app for good:因此,以下是真正永久关闭该应用程序的步骤:
现在,如果 铬冻结 issue still persists after closing Chrome through the Task Manager, then it calls for more drastic issues, that is, resetting Chrome.通过任务管理器关闭Chrome后,问题仍然存在,然后会引发更严重的问题,即重置Chrome。 But before that, remember that when you但在此之前,请记住当您 重置 将Chrome浏览器恢复为其默认设置,某些文件可能会丢失,因此请谨慎操作。
无论哪种方式,您都可以通过以下方式重置Chrome并有望修复 铬冻结 问题:
Keep in mind that once you do this, it will clear your bookmarks, settings extensions, and all the files within the browser.请记住,一旦执行此操作,它将清除您的书签,设置扩展名以及浏览器中的所有文件。 However, as an assurance, there's a high chance that this will fix但是,作为保证,这很有可能会解决 铬冻结.
现在,如果 铬冻结 is more severe than we thought, and resetting Chrome to its original defaults didn't work, then it's time to use our last resort, reinstalling the browser.比我们想象的要严重得多,并且无法将Chrome重置为原始默认设置,那么该是时候使用我们的最后手段了,重新安装浏览器。 To reinstall the Chrome app, you should first uninstall it, and here's how you can do it:要重新安装Chrome应用,您首先应该将其卸载,以下是操作方法:
您也可以输入“默认程序”,然后在没有的情况下单击第一个选项 默认程序 选项 Start 开始 菜单。
With the app uninstalled, all you have to is to proceed with the reinstallation.卸载该应用程序后,您所需要做的就是重新安装。 You can easily install Google Chrome by going to the official website of Chrome on another browser, such as您可以在其他浏览器(例如)上访问Chrome的官方网站,轻松安装Google Chrome。 火狐,下载设置文件,然后安装。
With that, you've successfully reinstalled Google Chrome.这样,您就可以成功重新安装Google Chrome。 This should fix most problems, be it severe or not.这应该解决大多数问题,无论是否严重。 But what if it doesn't fix但是如果不能解决怎么办 铬冻结。 In that case, the problem might not be due to your computer or your browser, but the internet.在这种情况下,问题可能不是由于您的计算机或浏览器,而是互联网。
In the case when the issue isn't fixed after doing all the solutions we've discussed, your best bet is to check your network status, since it might be the culprit after all.如果在完成我们讨论的所有解决方案后仍未解决问题,则最好的选择是检查网络状态,因为毕竟这可能是罪魁祸首。 To do this, you will have to follow these steps carefully:为此,您将必须仔细执行以下步骤:
At this point, all you have to do is check if the problem is fixed.此时,您所要做的就是检查问题是否已解决。 Now if this still doesn't现在如果仍然没有 解决问题,那么您别无选择,只能前往最后的手段。
As previously said, if you still haven't tried fixing the problem, then there's still hope.如前所述,如果您仍然没有尝试解决问题,那么仍然有希望。 However, once you've done all the options we've discussed up until now, but none of it works to fix但是,一旦您完成了所有选项,我们到目前为止就已经进行了讨论,但是这些选项都无法解决 铬冻结,那么可能是时候使用其他浏览器了。
当然,这可能对您不利,因为您可能有很多数据 谷歌 Chrome 浏览器 that you want to leave.你想离开。 But don't worry because there might still be a chance of solving the issue.但是请不要担心,因为仍有可能解决该问题。
For one, if you've used another browser but the website still keeps freezing, then the problem lies on that specific website, and not on the browser.例如,如果您使用了其他浏览器,但网站仍然处于冻结状态,则问题出在该特定网站上,而不是浏览器上。 In that case, you should avoid going to that website anymore even when you're using Chrome.在这种情况下,即使您使用的是Chrome,也应避免访问该网站。
There are many things that can occur when using your browser.使用浏览器时,可能会发生很多事情。 Some can be good, but most of them are bad.有些可能是好的,但大多数都是坏的。 And one such case is the一种这样的情况是 铬冻结 issue.问题。 Although it's very common, it's not always easy to fix.尽管它很常见,但并非总是易于修复。
Fortunately for you, we've discussed several ways to fix the issue.幸运的是,我们讨论了几种解决问题的方法。 Despite that, you should remember that errors will often occur and you can't always know how they work.尽管如此,您应该记住错误经常发生,并且您并不总是知道它们是如何工作的。 With that said, make sure to be wary of what you do with Chrome, as it may lead to unexpected circumstances such as the话虽如此,请务必警惕您对Chrome所做的操作,因为这可能会导致意外情况,例如 铬冻结 问题。
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